Thursday, May 1, 2014

A new beginning

If I were to pick a theme for this last year, it would be change. Good changes, bad changes, and changes that I can't say were necessarily good or bad. This week brings about a change that I have trouble categorizing - leaving my first job out of college. Most of you who have heard me complain talk about my job are probably wondering why I can't say with ease that this is a fantastic change.

This may be surprising, but I do not like change. Change is scary and new. I am a person who appreciates the familiar and the mundane, even if it means working 80 hours a week for far too many consecutive weeks. It took a great deal of courage to actually leave my job. Well that, and a pretty handsome job offer!

I have worked at EY for nearly 4 years now. Four very long wonderful years. There are days I truly loved working there and days where I seriously questioned why I was there, but I learned more than I could have ever imagined. I have logged more hours and shed more tears there than I care to admit, but its time to go. Friday will be the last day that I head to Times Square (which I will not miss one bit). But, as I mentioned earlier, I do not like change. I have wanted to leave my job before, however, my fear of change stopped me in my tracks twice before.

A few weeks ago at church, our pastor talked about courage. He said that courage is fear coupled with prayer. I had never put much thought into the relationship between fear and courage. At first thought, they sound very different, but they aren't. When you pray about your fears, God gives you courage. I have made a point over the last few weeks to pray about my fears and God has listened. God gave me the right opportunity. God gave me clarity. God gave me courage.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.”— Isaiah 41:10

Have I not commanded you; Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:9

On Friday, I will leave my office and I will say goodbye to my co-workers and friends. On Friday, I will leave my office and God will be with me. On Friday, I will leave my office and welcome change.

- Ashley

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, I so relate to this (obvs!). And I'm so happy for your courage! Those are two of my favorite verses. :)
